Monday, December 29, 2008

The Void Teachings- #5

September 25, 2003

What is the most important message to get out to people regarding money?

It's not about numbers. It's about faith. You will note on American currency the phrase “In God we trust.” If you faith was 100% in God, you would have all of what you need.

That seems to go counter to the fact that there are many “faithful” people who are really suffering, really poor.

Note that the phrase is “we.” It will take the collective “we” to have the impact on the collective poor. When you reach a critical mass of people who put their faith in God, you will see miracles and the disintegration of poverty. If one had perfect faith, was a true master, then he too would experience what you deem miraculous and would have all his needs met. Yet very few of you indeed are at that level.

So for the rest of us that still have a long way to go, how do we begin to become money masters? What are the first steps?

First, become very clear on what you need- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You tend to address your needs only partly which automatically creates an imbalance, not just in your being but in your money affairs as well. Ironically your “wants” can get in the way of your needs- such as “I want a vacation.” So you work so hard to obtain that vacation and in the meantime ignore the need, which is perhaps for quiet, perhaps communion with a higher force, with nature. You postpone the fulfillment of the need, which if you weren't so busy pursuing the want, you could have obtained this very day.

Very often the want camouflages the need. So first you must critically examine the need, or if you prefer the terminology, the motive behind your want. For example, why do you want that vacation? What do you expect it to give you? What qualities? If it's adventure, then bring more adventure into your life this very day. If it's relaxation, then bring in some peace and quiet right now. Do not delay. The longer you allow imbalances to remain in your system, the harder they are to address. So, the most crucial step is identifying true needs, on all levels, as mentioned above and satisfying those.

So few of you are truly aware of your needs at even one of the levels mentioned above- thus so many of you are out of balance. And as you are fond of linguistic connections- here's one for you: איזון (balance) and אוזן (ear). You need to become a listener to that voice inside to find your balance. How much wealthier your world would be if there was a daily ritual of listening to oneself. And though many of you pray, you are not really listening. Listening is the truest form of prayer. Your central prayer, the “shma”- Hear, Israel” starts with the commandment to listen.

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